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Key Characteristics of Berachain: Unleashing the Power of Precompiled Contracts


In the dynamic world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, certain innovations redefine the core of decentralized networks. Among these, precompiled contracts are pivotal, especially in Ethereum-based ecosystems. Let’s delve into the precompiled contracts within Berachain.

Introduce BeraChain

Berachain is a high-performance, EVM-compatible blockchain that utilizes a unique Proof-of-Liquidity (PoL) consensus mechanism. This novel consensus aligns network incentives, fostering a synergistic relationship between Berachain validators and the ecosystem’s projects. Built on the Polaris blockchain framework and powered by the CometBFT consensus engine, Berachain offers robust support for EVM-compatible chains.

Learn more: What is Berachain?

What is Precompiles Contracts?

Precompiled contracts are integral to Berachain, representing a specialized class of smart contracts embedded directly within the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Unlike traditional bytecode-executing contracts, precompiled contracts are assigned specific addresses within the EVM and come with predefined gas fees. In Berachain, these contracts unlock advanced functionalities by interfacing directly with various Cosmos modules, thereby enhancing interoperability and accessibility across the network.

Specific Functions of Precompiles

Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Recovery (ecrecover)

This precompile at address 0x01 is vital for recovering an Ethereum address from a digital signature. It’s fundamental in verifying transactions, as it ascertains the signer of a transaction. In simpler terms, ecrecover helps to confirm ‘who’ signed a message being presented to a smart contract, a crucial aspect of maintaining Ethereum’s transaction integrity for abstractions built on top of it.

SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160 Hash Functions

Found at addresses 0x02 and 0x03, these precompiles handle hash operations. SHA-256 is a widely used cryptographic hash function that ensures data integrity. RIPEMD-160, on the other hand, is less common in Ethereum but is integral to Bitcoin’s address-creation process. These precompiles allow Ethereum to verify transactions involving Bitcoin.

Identity Function (Identity)

Located at address 0x04, this simple yet efficient precompile performs data copying operations. It’s essentially a memory copying tool within the EVM, enabling quick and gas-efficient copying of data.

Modular Exponentiation (Modexp)

This precompile, introduced for advanced cryptographic operations like RSA encryption, facilitates modular exponentiation, a mathematical operation used in public-key cryptography.

Blake2 Compression Function (Blake2f)

Added in the Istanbul upgrade, this precompile at address 0x09 supports the Blake2 hash function, facilitating efficient data compression, and is particularly relevant for interoperability with Zcash, another blockchain network.

Each precompile addresses a particular need, be it cryptographic verification, efficient data processing, or advanced mathematical operations. Their existence within the Ethereum blockchain demonstrates a blend of cryptographic robustness and computational efficiency, making Ethereum a versatile and secure platform for a wide array of applications.

Berachain Precompiles

Within Berachain, precompiled contracts are fundamental for unlocking advanced functionalities that engage directly with various Cosmos modules. These contracts inherit some of Polaris’ EVM precompiled contracts and introduce additional ones to enhance functionality. They play a crucial role in enabling Proof-of-Liquidity, native BEX, native oracle, governance mechanisms, and more.

Unlike typical EVM smart contracts, precompiled contracts are embedded within the blockchain client itself and referenced by specific addresses. This architecture allows for efficient execution of commonly used and computationally intensive functionalities. Berachain’s extensive range of precompiles ensures seamless integration with the Cosmos SDK, optimizing operations for frequently used functionalities like the DEX module.

This creates a dynamic environment where developers can easily leverage Cosmos-specific functionalities within their decentralized applications.

Berachain's Precompiles Contracts

Berachain Precompiles Addresses

These are a list of addresses where precompiles can be read or written to.


Precompiled contracts are a cornerstone of blockchain innovation, offering a blend of efficiency and functionality. As blockchain technology evolves, precompiles are set to play an increasingly crucial role, enhancing the efficiency and versatility of decentralized networks like Berachain.

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